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Meet Natalia, a Politics, Law and Economics student

"I am completely in love with the Politics, Law and Economics (PLE) degree and I love every professor and class with it"

The rain outside made it seem later than it actually was. Things were slow at university and the majority of classes were beginning to let out. We were also in the middle of a jam-packed tests and projects period and deadlines were soon approaching. Some students were showing signs of wear and you could clearly see people beginning to stress. Many students were ready to retire to their beds after a long day, seeming as if the rain and a mix of doubt had killed the motor that has kept them going this long. However, for Natalia, this wasn’t the case.

I waited for her after class as I had invited her for a quick catch-up on university and the Politics, Law and Economics (PLE) course. She walked over in a proud, confident manner. Her motor had not died. She was even ready to get back to work as soon as my interview was over. I greeted her and we sat down. After the formalities, I began the interview:

What do you like about IE University?

I like a lot of things about IE University, as do many other students. I really enjoy the international atmosphere and the professors. I think that’s the biggest benefit of studying at IE University because all my professors have been able to help me with my studying in one way or another. When I compare IE University to other Universities, I can say that I feel totally comfortable here. I feel like I’m at home. I never feel too stressed. I always know that if I were to have any problems I always have friends and class advisors to turn to for help.

Natalia Buleshevilli IE Campus

How has your life changed since coming to IE University?

My life has completely moved in a different direction. Before university, I wasn’t really able to understand my strong and weak attributes because I had never been in such a competitive environment before. After my first year studying PLE I now understand my strengths and I am trying to push myself to my limits to become even stronger. I have learned to pay more attention to my weaknesses so they do not become a barrier to my development. It was my friends and my professors that helped me discover my strengths and weaknesses and I think it has been the biggest discovery of my life as it helped me to follow a distinct path towards my goals. Also, my perspectives have expanded hugely. When you meet 30 nationalities a day and when you talk with students from 30 different countries it really changes your outlook. Personally, I think I have become more aware of the world and more positive, loyal, and tolerant.

Do you think PLE played an important role in that development?

PLE has given me a basic understanding of concepts about how the world works, like the science of money and how law works. It also gave me the fundamental tools needed in order to keep building on these. Before, I wasn’t totally sure with the names and the concepts we learned about, but now I’m confident on these.

You were telling me about skills and how the university helped you hone in those skills. Did your degree boost your skills, or do you think the faculty played a greater role?

Well, of course it was the faculty and the people that played a larger role in my university life. For example, I remember I had to give presentations, which I didn’t like, but afterwards the professor helped me discover that I was actually good at speaking. They [the teachers] helped push me to work harder and to achieve better results. PLE is mostly about hard work, and knowing how to work diligently is a very important skill to have.

I wanted to ask you about your first year studying the PLE course. Since you were part of the first class for PLE, I wanted to know your thoughts on the course and who you would recommend the course to?

I am completely in love with the PLE degree and I love every professor and class with it. I was pretty sure before the course that I was making the right decision by coming to IE and now after being here for a year I know for sure that this is the place I wanted to be. I mentioned earlier that I am satisfied with every aspect of studying at IE University: the professors are great, I enjoy my classmates and even outside the classroom I see a lot of people hesitating and wondering if they made the right decision by picking BBA or LLB, and that is something I don’t see in PLE. All of the PLE students are very proud to be a part of the course and they all enjoy the faculty and the material a lot.

I smiled looking over my notes, then I looked back to her and thanked her for her time. She told me that she had to go get some work done, so I let her carry on with her day, calm as ever.

Natalia reminded me of the ideal candidate the IEU admissions staff were looking for. She ticked all the boxes and was exactly who they needed to fill the seats on the first PLE course at IE University. She was inquisitive and motivated, and perhaps, most importantly, she knew herself well and knew how best to apply herself. Her kind of character fits the degree perfectly, and her ability to recognize this is what calcifies this statement even further.


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IEU Experience