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Bartosz Rzycki: From Poland to IE University and beyond

In my program, the first year is based in Segovia and the later three in Madrid. For me, the move to Madrid was a natural process because I prefer big cities, and Madrid was part of what drew me to IE University. Nevertheless, I appreciated my experience in Segovia because of its beauty, and how it accelerated my integration into IE University. I met so many friends there, including people who have lived in Segovia their whole life. It also simplified the start of my program by allowing me to focus on my goals instead of the logistics of moving to a new country.


However, moving to Madrid was a whole other story; rich in career and development opportunities in every possible field, it was the road towards my future. There is no magic formula for success: Segovia and Madrid would both enable me to achieve my goals, but Madrid was always something I was aspiring towards. I would say Segovia gave me the time for preparation, cultural immersion and meeting people, but in Madrid, it’s possible you’ll meet your future boss, colleagues or business partner.

In Madrid, IE University has recently opened its IE Tower; a landmark professional educational environment. I think it’s important to have a strong public image in order to compete at an international level and IE University has done exactly that. The IE Tower is a cutting-edge campus with high-standard resources for after-class study. Although the location of your studies is the least important aspect of your career path and intellectual development, it makes the experience more professional and your student life easier. Your only concern should be studying, gaining knowledge and taking the opportunities available in Madrid.

I recently took part in the Rock’n’Roll Marathon. I wanted to get involved in the initiative because of COVID-19 and the fact I used to coach youth football teams. Once I dedicated my time to work and university, I started running. It was the perfect exercise to reduce my stress levels, clear my head, stay in good shape and improve my health during the pandemic. When I was in Segovia, running was also a great way to explore the city. The Rock’n’Roll Marathon was a result of that, really; I thought it would be fun to explore Madrid as a runner. I’m also very goal-oriented, so once I set my mind to something, I do it. The event was a great thing to aim for and maintain momentum.


I think that these events help promote a healthy lifestyle, and events like the Rock’n’Roll Marathon strengthen this culture of physical activity among people from different backgrounds. Part of the beauty of runs like these is the diversity of people taking part—families, individuals, different nationalities, amateurs and professional runners. I think the event is testament to building an amazing society and active culture in the city.

IE University has provided me with a framework to achieve my goals. I have been able to focus on my studies and pursue my interests outside of computer science and artificial intelligence. There’s no doubt that whatever my future at IE University holds, it will be an adventure.


Shakee was born and raised in Venezuela. She speaks Spanish and English.

She completed her primary and secondary education in Caracas, and later on was recruited to play for the women’s tennis team at Merrimack College in the United States where she graduated with honors as a student-athlete from her Bachelor degree in Business Administration with a double concentration in Marketing and Sports Management.

Shakee persue her Master´s degree at IE Business School in Madrid. There, she joined the IE Family Business Club and IE Marketing Club, and she also had the opportunity to compete in a sports management competition (called the Franz Competition) in Berlin, where she faced off against 250 international students and emerged victorious with her team.

After finishing her degree at IE Business School, she worked for Nike for three years before deciding to return to IE University, this time as a Marketing Specialist. Today, Shakee continues to work as a proud member of the IE University family.

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