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IE Library tools: staying ahead of the pack

The IE Library capitalizes on cutting-edge technology to support the whole IE Community. It provides online resources that give our students the best professional opportunities, while doubling as a research hub. Thanks to the IE Library, our whole community is equipped with all the tools they need to stay ahead of the pack.

As a pioneer in disruptive technology and innovation, our library offers unique products and services thanks to our cloud-based management system. And as part of our commitment to excellence, we’ve spent more than a decade expanding the library’s online collection. Today, you can use the DIY IE Library application, and find material on gamification, immersive content, virtual reality, robots, and more. You can also gain access to millions of full-text articles, electronic books with multi-user licenses, and a wide range of open-access resources.

We work with WorldCat Discovery, an international catalog that itemizes the collections of 17,900 libraries in 123 countries and territories that participate in the OCLC cooperative. With more than 474 million bibliographic records in 483 languages, it’s a world of information to discover. What’s more, the IE Library offers a comprehensive calendar with personal and group tours, as well as informational sessions so you can better understand our services and resources.

IE Library

These are some of the most interesting services that the IE Library offers:

  • Online press: Premium access to the most relevant international and national press and electronic journals (such as the Financial Times, The Economist, The Wall Street Journal and more).
  • The most important international and national databases: Subscription to the most significant qualitative and quantitative databases in different disciplines such as Orbis, Wharton (WRDS), Statista, WARC, HeinOnline, Bloomberg, and Thomson Reuters Eikon. You can also enjoy access to the best special reports, covering topics such as financial health, income statements, balance sheets, emerging markets, simulators, SWOT analysis, games, rankings, and more.
  • Interlibrary loans: This service makes it possible to get materials from other libraries beyond what IE Library has on hand. Faculty, staff, and students can request materials not held in our library for research and study.
  • Course Reserves (e-Bibliography): This service collects all the materials included in the bibliography of each subject’s syllabus, so you can find all mandatory, recommended and additional material needed for class. These expert-created selections give added value to the classes and are available to you during and after your IE University experience.
  • Qubits: A value-added service that facilitates access to and use of specialized information contained in the electronic resources that the IE Library subscribes to. By using qubits, the IE Library supports our community members as they access the job market in a number of sectors, including business & co., finance, law, taxes, entrepreneurship, family business, and careers.
  • Research services: IE Library supports research through citation indexing navigation services.  Our data structures allow researchers to search a wide variety of resources while using the citation links from the index to find relevant research results and impact measurement. Furthermore, knowledge maps allow knowledge assets to be identified and knowledge management strategies and actions to be established and transferred. You also have access to tools such as bibliographic managers, citation tools, research software—including PSS, Stata, and MATLAB—and more.

IE Library is happy to help you and answer your questions. Send us an email at biblioteca@ie.edu, fill out this form or contact us on the web chat. Visit the virtual library online today—it’s available 24/7 and can be accessed from anywhere at any time at https://library.ie.edu/.


Shakee was born and raised in Venezuela. She speaks Spanish and English.

She completed her primary and secondary education in Caracas, and later on was recruited to play for the women’s tennis team at Merrimack College in the United States where she graduated with honors as a student-athlete from her Bachelor degree in Business Administration with a double concentration in Marketing and Sports Management.

Shakee persue her Master´s degree at IE Business School in Madrid. There, she joined the IE Family Business Club and IE Marketing Club, and she also had the opportunity to compete in a sports management competition (called the Franz Competition) in Berlin, where she faced off against 250 international students and emerged victorious with her team.

After finishing her degree at IE Business School, she worked for Nike for three years before deciding to return to IE University, this time as a Marketing Specialist. Today, Shakee continues to work as a proud member of the IE University family.

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