Business training is an essential part of driving successful international legal practices. Today’s lawyers need to be armed with a profound understanding of business to provide their clients with accurate counsel and advice.
It is no surprise then, given the evolving needs of the legal industry, that there is now a growing demand for multidisciplinary professionals able to harness these two important fields, connecting the business and law. The IE University Dual Degree in Business Administration + Laws has been specially designed to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to become successful professionals capable of excelling in the space where these two fields intersect.
The BBA+LL.B. dual degree is aimed at students who seek a challenging and prestigious program that provides the complete set of skills and knowledge needed to drive a successful career in the corporate and legal world. In this program, students broaden their capacities to work in these two increasingly converging fields by combining training from both areas. Students take a hands-on approach to the study of law, applying theory to practice, in order to discover how business is shaped within a legal framework.
IEU student Emil Pappaterra is studying a Dual Degree in BBA+LL.B. and throughout his studies at IEU he has been exposed to a unique and innovative way of experiencing legal and business training.
Nieves Bayón is also pursuing a Dual Degree in BBA+LL.B. at IEU. This degree has been a great option for her due to her desire to become a multidisciplinary professional. Nieves has developed a unique profile that will help her understand the business world and its implications in law practice as she breaks into the workforce.
The combination of legal and business training plays a crucial role in the success of international organizations. Michael Reynolds, partner at Allen & Overy and host speaker of the 2015 IEU graduation, encouraged our law grads to “really get into and understand business and how it works in whatever sector,” no matter what it is they choose to do. He stated that this is one of the most important skills that new lawyers will need in the future to become successful corporate professionals.
Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions with us. If you would like to know more about this degree don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team.