The Young Researchers Congress is a reputable forum that is geared towards young mathematicians, bringing the brightest analytical minds in Spain together to share new research and exchange new ideas. It also serves as the premier networking event for the community, allowing them to build and maintain collaborative bonds that could last a lifetime.
A distinguished faculty
Alexandre Anahory is an assistant professor of mathematics at IE University. Since joining our faculty in 2022, he has made big strides in expanding the university’s applied mathematics offerings across all bachelor’s degree programs. In fact, he has fit right into the Bachelor in Applied Mathematics, providing a broad base of knowledge that brings together mathematics, physics and engineering.
Born in Lisbon, Alexandre’s penchant for science and technology began at a young age. He oriented his academic and professional journey accordingly, starting off with a bachelor’s degree in Physics with a specialization in mathematics. That was the moment that he discovered his passion for mathematical models and went as far as to earn his PhD in Mathematics.
Alexandre’s research is as broad as his interests in STEM. In fact, he has become a renowned thought leader in the field and his work has been featured in many leading publications, including Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Journal of Nonlinear Science and Numerische Mathematik.
Alexandre wows the crowd
As a result, Alexandre was invited to participate and give a talk at the recent Young Researchers Congress.
In his talk, titled “Contracting forced lagrangian and contact lagrangian systems: application to nonholonomic systems with symmetries,” Alexandre took participants through an invigorating discussion on the vital role of control design in the operation and security of modern robotics systems. He explains his argument succinctly: “The controller’s job is to continuously monitor the robot’s position and compare it to the desired trajectory, making any necessary corrections.” In his opinion, to ensure that controllers can perform this task effectively, “control design requires an accurate model of the system to predict its behavior.”
Alexandre also presented his own mathematical method which can be used to develop “control actions that guide the system to a desired position safely.” It is a revolutionary idea that could considerably transform how we develop and use modern technologies, such as how unmanned vehicles deliver goods from sellers to buyers.
Notes from the Congress
Congress attendees were also able to discover and dissect new research in machine learning, Bayesian statistics, optimization algorithms, data science and more. They also tackled more traditional topics in mathematics, including various unsolved problems in geometry, analysis and group theory. This was done with a focus on identifying new, promising applications in a wide range of sectors.
However, let it never be said that mathematics is a purely theoretical endeavor. Participants dove into the practical implications the subject has on society and its powerful potential to deliver new solutions to today’s most critical issues. They also addressed the future of mathematics in the classroom as well as new legislation that could impact mathematical research in Spain.
Leaders from prominent organizations like Banco Santander, NTT Data and the Spanish National Cybersecurity Institute were also in attendance. They revealed just how in demand skilled mathematicians are across a broad array of industries—from banking, insurance and logistics, to robotics, quantum computing, digital security and more. Participants were excited to explore emerging industries such as digital marketing, where their skill set can be utilized in many competitive roles.
The future is bright for young mathematicians
It’s clear that mathematics’ place as a cornerstone of innovation and progress is set in stone. From the Congress, young mathematicians discovered a whole new world of opportunity, whether in research, teaching or business. As Alexandre underlines, “Mathematics will play a significant role in shaping the 21st century.”