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Managing Ethics in AI: IE Alumni Experts Discuss Challenges and Potential Solutions

Philosophy and Applied Ethics with Ted Lechterman

With the rapid rise of artificial intelligence, we are entering an era where the capabilities of technology are unlike anything we’ve ever seen. The opportunities that come with that are infinite and around the world, businesses are directing increasing amounts of resources toward exploring this unexplored potential. However, in response to these developments, we have […]

Studying a Dual Degree at IE University Can Supercharge Your Future

Students walking IE Tower|

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s imperative to equip yourself with the necessary skills and accolades to stand out from the competition. We understand that selecting the right program is challenging—but we’ve made the decision a little bit easier by allowing you to choose two with our dual degree programs. Each dual degree will take you […]

The IE University humanities experience

Humanities at IE University students tower madrid||||

At IE University, the humanities have always been an essential part of our educational philosophy. They run through all of our degrees in one way or another, supported by the transversal Arts & Humanities Division. All around the world we are seeing a resurgence in the humanities, as cutting-edge industries in all sectors demand well-rounded […]

IE University Cements Career-Centric Focus With the Launch of Six Trailblazing Programs


The last year has seen the world of work profoundly transformed by emerging technologies, with artificial intelligence at the forefront. Workplace cultures are evolving at the speed of light as AI-powered advancements become more commonplace. At the same time, organizational priorities are shifting beyond the bottom line to include ethical, societal and environmental concerns that […]

Reshaping the future with the new Dual Degree in Business Administration + Humanities

The Dual Degree in Business Administration + Humanities aims to shape innovative leaders who have the knowledge, skill and humanistic vision to spark positive change, now and in the future. The program is designed to develop a holistic skill set, blending critical analysis skills with practical business acumen.  In an ever-changing world full of increasingly […]