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Valentin Schoettle on how IE University helped prepare him for his role at Hugo Boss

Valentin Schoettle is driven. After completing several impressive internships during his Bachelor in Communication and Digital Media at IE University, he went on to study our Master in Corporate & Marketing Communication, finishing at the top of his class. Post-graduation, in 2017, he landed a role as a strategic marketing manager at Hugo Boss, a position he says IE University prepared him well for.

We had the chance to talk to Valentin about his experience at our institution, the skills he gained with us, and the process of landing his dream role. Read on to discover what he had to say!

Could you tell us about the application process for your current role at Hugo Boss? 

The application process was structured into three rounds of interviews, ranging from simple phone calls to in-person interviews at their offices near Stuttgart, Germany. Some of the questions were personal, while others focused on case studies to see how I’d approach any given situation as a strategic marketing manager, my previous role in the company. 

How did your experience at IE University prepare you for your professional career?

IE University prepared me in many different ways, but the most important one was preparing me for the “real working world.” All of the classes had this element of bringing in real-world case studies connected to an array of presentations. The professors also had a big impact on me. They didn’t necessarily follow the traditional textbook teaching style, but rather, always fostered an environment of thinking outside the box. 

What’s the competitive advantage that studying at IE University has provided you?

Thanks to my time at IE University, I now have an outlook on the world that allows me to think beyond the normal and simple. I was always encouraged to think beyond my own four walls and explore new opportunities and approaches in order to make my own mistakes—and then learn and grow from them. I think it’s important that I’ve had that in order to be prepared for the future.

Do you have any advice for IE University students and alumni who are looking to pursue a career in your field?

Be patient, resilient and above all, curious. Marketing and communications is a field that constantly grows and evolves. Stay on top of trends and find new ways to innovate and evolve.

What skills do you think are necessary to succeed in your field?

You must be agile, passionate and communicative. I strongly believe that growing in this field and being successful means staying flexible and constantly looking for new opportunities. If you want to have your voice heard, speak up and show how passionate you truly are.

Tell us about the IE Alumni community and the impact they’ve had on your life and/or career.

I’ve made a lot of great friends and even some colleagues through the IE University Community. In this environment, you can find like-minded individuals who will help you grow and encourage you to continuously seek greatness. The community is also very collaborative, and though I graduated from my bachelor’s almost seven years ago and my master’s five years ago, I still have close contact with people from my graduating classes.

What skills would you recommend job seekers develop in order to make them more competitive in today’s workforce?

Be persistent and prove your value in your own unique way. You need to stand out and make people understand why you’re irreplaceable. 

What’s the best career advice you have ever been given?

It’s cliché, but: never give up on your dreams and what you believe in. Never let people or companies change who you are—stay true to yourself. 

If someone was considering going to IE University, what would you tell them?

Take a leap of faith and trust the process. You will always encounter something unexpected. IE University will change your mindset in many ways, but also provide you with the necessary foundation to discover who you want to be.

Why did you choose the Bachelor in Communication & Digital Media at IE University?

I was looking for a program that “had it all” so that I could explore all outlets and find what I’m most passionate about. I wanted to become a news anchor and then quickly realized that marketing is my calling. The program is designed for those who are willing to experiment and discover new things. As I said before, trust the process—the program may just open up your horizon to great new opportunities.

To learn more about the services provided by IE Talent & Careers, visit the official webpage.


Shakee was born and raised in Venezuela. She speaks Spanish and English.

She completed her primary and secondary education in Caracas, and later on was recruited to play for the women’s tennis team at Merrimack College in the United States where she graduated with honors as a student-athlete from her Bachelor degree in Business Administration with a double concentration in Marketing and Sports Management.

Shakee persue her Master´s degree at IE Business School in Madrid. There, she joined the IE Family Business Club and IE Marketing Club, and she also had the opportunity to compete in a sports management competition (called the Franz Competition) in Berlin, where she faced off against 250 international students and emerged victorious with her team.

After finishing her degree at IE Business School, she worked for Nike for three years before deciding to return to IE University, this time as a Marketing Specialist. Today, Shakee continues to work as a proud member of the IE University family.

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