Olivier Pablo Garnier’s definition of success is quite simple: “To me, success means that you can wake up happy every day, without any regrets from the day before.” This upbeat, confident mindset has served him well throughout his personal and professional journey.
Right from the earliest days of his Dual Degree in Business Administration + International Relations, Olivier understood what studying at IE University could do for his career. So he took advantage of every opportunity not just to learn but to immerse himself in a diverse global community. In his own words, “One of the greatest things about IE University is that it gives you the ability to expand your circle with friends from new cultures.” Olivier was able to make connections across the globe that he still finds beneficial to this day.
His career really took off after graduation. Olivier started a six-month internship at the Nestlé Waters Strategic Business Unit (SBU) and worked as a marketing trainee. That experience helped him land a full-time position as an internal auditor for Nestlé in Paris. He’s moved up through the ranks since then and is now a senior internal auditor, leading a team to investigate different areas of the business.
Olivier’s day-to-day activities usually involve team breakfasts, planning sessions and site visits to Nestlé factories or head offices around the world. On-site audits typically take a full day, during which he analyzes relevant documentation and talks to everyone he can find—from marketing managers to supply chain heads and more. Once the risks have been identified, he figures out the best way forward in consultation with the respective team leads.
This job involves lots of interactions within the office, between regional teams and with clients, stakeholders and corporate partners. That’s why Olivier says the most important skill he gained at IE University was public speaking. The program involved lots of presentations to professors and peers, which built up his confidence with public speaking.
Now, he says he is constantly making presentations to high-level people as part of his work. “There’s no time to get nervous or stumble over your words; you have to be direct and straight to the point,” he explains.
Though his work is challenging and demanding, Olivier still makes time for hobbies outside of office hours. His favorite pastime is longboarding through the Parisian streets. “I like to use it as a means of transportation, as it’s very accessible and allows me to enjoy the city in a safe way,” he says. Olivier also enjoys working out to let off steam after a long day in the office, either hitting the gym or going for a jog around the city. To relax and unwind, he teaches himself rock songs on the guitar or goes out to explore Paris with friends.
Olivier tells current and future Dual Degree in Business Administration + International Relations students that perseverance is key. Finding success in this field requires tenacity and a lot of hard work. But, he says, if you put in the hours, it will all pay off in the end.