My name is Miguel Amengual. I am a first-year Bachelor in Data and Business Analytics student at IE University, at the Segovia Campus. If you were to ask me what the highlight of my first year has been, it would definitely be enrolling in the IEU Labs. The IEU Labs have tutored workplaces in which we gain experience and skills while working on a project with a real company, all while gaining some extra credits! What’s even more exciting is the fact that you can join the Lab that best suits your personal and/or professional interests. There are many fields to choose from, with Labs on communication, law, entrepreneurship, econ data, and finance to name just a few.
Personally, I am part of the Econ-Data Lab, which focuses on analyzing economic data in order to gain insights for organizations such as UNICEF, AFI, and Vallbanc. So far it has been a very enriching experience, as I get to work with people from different degrees and various backgrounds. Furthermore, I get to apply some of the skills I have learned throughout my degree so far to the real world, with hands-on activities.
Since the beginning of the second semester, we have worked on becoming familiar with the project and focusing on what we want our final outcome to be. Now that classes are over and the summer has begun, we’re dedicating a few hours a day to achieving the best possible outcome, and diving into the project proposed by our respective businesses, which in my case, is the Fintech & Banking Sector in Europe and Spain.
Besides all the new skills and knowledge you’re able to gain in the Labs, they are also a great opportunity to meet new people, get out of your comfort zone, and explore IE University’s diversity. As some of the IEU Labs are face-to-face, throughout this intensive period in June we get to stay in Segovia. I really love this, as it means that we can make the most out of our time here and discover places that we didn’t get the chance to experience throughout the academic year.
As we work on our projects from 10am until 2pm (Monday to Friday), we get the rest of the day off to enjoy life off-campus. For instance, I personally love to visit different lakes around Segovia, go on day trips to Madrid, organize dinners with friends, or have a drink at the Plaza Mayor without the pressure of exams and university work.
Whether you’re based at the Segovia or Madrid campus, by joining IEU Labs you get to enjoy life by getting to know the city you’re living in and experiencing new things that you weren’t able to do over the winter. Moreover, as there are no degree specifications for the IEU Labs or any type of requirement to enroll in a certain field, you can join any project of your choice. This means you’ll be working on something you’re passionate about and interested in, which makes the experience much more enjoyable and enriching.
My time at the IEU Labs has been beyond beneficial. I’m building up my CV with skills relevant to my future as a data scientist while making the most of the time I have left in Segovia with my friends.